Thursday, July 29, 2010

Imagine Events in Belle Magazine's Vintage Wedding Issue

Have you all seen the latest issue of Belle Magazine? This is one of my favorite covers to date!

I was asked to write another article for this issue giving tips on how to have a vintage inspired wedding on pages 10 and 11. This is one of my favorite wedding themes and topics to talk about, so I had a lot of fun with this one. The great thing is that even if you're not having a vintage themed wedding, you can still incorporate the tips in your own special day. For example, for my Moroccan themed wedding next year, I will be wearing the same lace veil that my grandmother and mother wore on their wedding day. Also, I will be incorporating vintage vases and dinnerware at the reception. You can be as creative as you want with your own heirlooms in planning your wedding.
Also, check out the articles written by former Imagine Event's intern, Graciela Razo!

Enjoy the issue!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Teleflora Workshop

We're always looking for opportunities to gain more experience in the events industry. So when we were invited to attend Teleflora's New Mexico/West Texas "Hot Summer, Cool Designs" workshop a few weeks ago, we jumped at the chance. Wilton Hardy, Telflora Education Specialist was the guest speaker. Mr. Hardy has been in the floral industry for 60 years and presented new trends and techniques in floral design. It was a great opportunity for us to gain more knowledge about the floral industry and pass it along to our clients. We learned a lot and are excited about attending the next workshop!

Guest speaker and industry veteran, Wilton Hardy

After the workshop, all of the sample arrangements were auctioned off. Karina and I even purchased some of them. Here are a few of the beautiful arrangements.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Couple Spotlight: April and Jesse

Imagine Events clients, April Armijo and Jesse Gonzalez are a fun, easy going couple who will be married August 28. Their ceremony will be at Queen of Peace Catholic Church, and the reception and dance will be held at the Camino Real Hotel. I will be sharing their journey planning their special day from the decor and dance lessons, to the fashion and the anticipation of their big day.

How long have you been engaged?

We've been engaged for two and a half years.

Tells us how you proposed.

My method of proposing was after a New Year's party we attended in April's hometown. I knew I wanted to propose to April after our first date. I've never been the romantic type and being aware that she was, I wanted to offer my love and committment to her as best as I possibly could. I purchased a ring with a nice piece of "bling bling" on it. I carried it everyday for more than a year trying to find the right moment to get on one knee and ask her for her hand in marriage. We celebrated at the stroke of midnight with hugs and kisses followed by going to our room and April immediately jumping into bed and me pacing back and forth...I saw April lying there knowing she was the one for me. I kneeled next to her bedside as she opened her eyes asking me if something was wrong. I replied by saying," I have something to ask you." She stayed staring at me as I asked,"Will you marry me" while holding the ring in my hand. She smiled and asked me if I was drunk. I presented her with the ring which lead to tears and the anticipated "yes!"

Why did you decide to hire a wedding planner?

April and I both felt we would like to avoid conflict between families over which grandma would do this or which aunt would help with that. Especially, with our moms! Also, we didn't have a clue where to start planning a wedding, and Angelica with Imagine Events has been a blessing and a true professional in her field. April and I met numerous wedding planners, and no one came close to Angelica and her awe-inspiring ideas and her willingness to help with every angle of the planning.

What has been your favorite part of the planning?

All of the cake tastings have been incredible. Almost to the point where April and I just want to say,"Can we try something else?" April and I make most of our decisions together, but planning this wedding together has brought us closer in understanding each other's style...

As far as the wedding, what are you most excited about?

I'm most excited about the ceremony and saying "I Do". I'm looking forward to seeing Angelica in action with our guests. It's excting to know that we will have both our families together sharing our moment with us.